The IEP and FAPE fape iep iep process iep team May 12, 2024

The IEP and FAPE

When it comes to securing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for your child, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) lays the groundwork for defining substantive FAPE for your child. The IEP is a personalized plan designed to meet the unique educational needs and...

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12 Tips: How do I ensure the IEP is truly individualized for my child? iep iep process iep team Apr 28, 2024

As a special education advocate, I understand how important it is to ensure your child's IEP is truly individualized to meet their unique needs. Here are 129 tips to help make that happen:

1. Share detailed information about your child

You know your child best. Provide specific examples of your...

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Using AI to Create a More Equitable Special Education System ai ai in special education artificial intelligence ethics in ai iep team parent participation Apr 18, 2024

Foundation 2: Advance Equity

As artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities become more advanced, schools and school districts are facing a turning point. The decisions made now about how to incorporate AI into teaching and learning could either help shrink systemic inequities or intensify them....

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Parents, Students, and Educators are at the Center of AI in Special Education ai ai in special education artificial intelligence ethics in ai iep process iep team Apr 14, 2024

As artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities rapidly advance, there is increasing discussion around how it could be used in special education classrooms. Policies are being developed to guide how AI tools meet the needs of parents, students with disabilities, and educators. The first foundation...

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Questions Parents Should Ask About AI in IEP Development ai ai in special education artificial intelligence iep iep process iep team parent participation questions special education advocacy Apr 09, 2024

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are developed and implemented. Parent advocates need to critically monitor your child’s educational program to ascertain whether or not the IEP is more tailored and responsive to...

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The IEP Team: School Partners for Progress iep team Apr 02, 2024

While you know your child best, the school provides the professionally trained partners to design and deliver instruction and services. The IEP team must include:

General Education Teacher

They know what works and doesn’t in the general education classroom, as well as grade level...

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The IEP Team: Advocating for Your Child fape idea iep iep team individuals with disabilities education act parent participation special education advocacy Mar 31, 2024

 As a parent, nothing means more than seeing your child thrive and achieve their full potential. When disabilities create roadblocks, you'll move mountains to clear their path forward. But you don't have to advocate alone.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), your...

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The IEP: More Than Academics iep iep team Mar 26, 2024

When a disability impacts your child's life, narrow academic goals just aren't enough. The true power of the IEP lies in its whole-child approach - an individualized educational plan for your unique child.  

Of course, areas like reading, writing, and math are included, supporting your...

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You: The Irreplaceable Expert iep iep process iep team parent participation Mar 25, 2024

Developing an IEP is a team effort. And you, the parent, are the irreplaceable expert on your child's team. 

No one understands your child's strengths, struggles, behaviors and needs across environments like you do. No one has been the constant advocate, cheerleader and champion like you...

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