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The IEP: More Than Academics

iep iep team Mar 26, 2024

When a disability impacts your child's life, narrow academic goals just aren't enough. The true power of the IEP lies in its whole-child approach - an individualized educational plan for your unique child.  

Of course, areas like reading, writing, and math are included, supporting your child in building vital academic foundations. But their disability likely includes difficulties across multiple areas of development. 

As a parent, you've witnessed your child's challenges firsthand. The frustrations and barriers they face:

  • Relating to peers and navigating social situations  
  • Managing emotions that derail attention and participation
  • Expressing themselves coherently through communication  
  • Difficulties with gross and fine motor skills  
  • Behaviors disrupting their learning
  • Struggling with self-help tasks 

Your child's IEP cannot merely address academics while overlooking these interconnected needs. Meaningful progress requires a holistic, multi-faceted approach as unique as your child.

That's why the IEP should include supports and services beyond just specialized instruction. These could include:  

  • Counseling services to develop social-emotional skills 
  • Occupational therapy to build independence and life skills
  • Physical therapy for improved mobility and motor abilities 
  • Speech-language services to foster communication   
  • Positive behavior intervention plans for classroom success
  • Assistive technology to bypass challenges  
  • Transportation solutions for accessibility

When the IEP team - including you - carefully considers your child's full profile, they can craft an individualized web of services, accommodations, modifications, and instructional approaches that remove obstacles and facilitate meaningful growth.

This holistic scope is what sets the IEP apart as a powerful commitment to your child. With the appropriate plan, the possibilities for your child's brightness to shine are limitless!