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The IEP Team: School Partners for Progress

iep team Apr 02, 2024

While you know your child best, the school provides the professionally trained partners to design and deliver instruction and services. The IEP team must include:

General Education Teacher

They know what works and doesn’t in the general education classroom, as well as grade level standards and pedagogy.

Special Education Teacher

They are the experts in specialized instruction.

Service Providers

They are experts in areas such as speech, occupational and physical therapy.


They can conduct evaluations and explain them to the team.


They are responsible for resources and compliance.


You can invite people, too! Consider including a friend or advocate for support.

Each member of the team collaborates with your family's invaluable input to pinpoint appropriate goals, accommodations, and programming.

The Possibilities of Partnership 

 But effective partnership requires open communication, trust and shared purpose among the team. Don't let unfamiliar processes or intimidation create an adversarial "us vs. them" dynamic.

 When you see the school staff as allies with your child's best interests at heart - and they view you as the empowered guiding voice - incredible growth can happen. Creative problem-solving. Mutual accountability. And a united front adapting the IEP as your child's needs evolve.

 Of course, disagreements may happen despite everyone's best intentions. But by establishing relationships, maintaining professionalism, and knowing your rights, conflicts can be resolved.