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The IEP Team: Advocating for Your Child

fape idea iep iep team individuals with disabilities education act parent participation special education advocacy Mar 31, 2024

 As a parent, nothing means more than seeing your child thrive and achieve their full potential. When disabilities create roadblocks, you'll move mountains to clear their path forward. But you don't have to advocate alone.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), your child has a right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is how schools map out the specialized instruction, services, and supports providing that FAPE.

And while bureaucratic processes can feel daunting, your child's IEP actually revolves around a powerful core: the IEP team should be united for your child’s success.

As your child's first and forever advocate, you are the most important member of the team. From medical histories to learning preferences, your unique insights should inform every decision.

Teachers, therapists and administrators cycle through your child's life. But you've witnessed each victory and challenge intimately. You hold the key context for individualizing their education.

That's why IDEA requires your informed consent at every turn. The IEP team cannot implement any changes or program without your approval as the forever expert. Your participation and insights drive your child's education.