Maintaining Your IEP Binder: Tips for Long-Term Success iep iep binder iep process Aug 12, 2024

An IEP binder is not just a one-time project; it is a dynamic tool that evolves with your child's educational journey. Keeping your IEP binder up-to-date and relevant is crucial for effective advocacy. A well-maintained binder ensures that you have the most current information at your fingertips,...

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The Physical IEP Binder: Your Best Friend for Effective Advocacy iep iep binder iep process Aug 12, 2024

 In the world of special education advocacy, preparation is key. One of the most effective tools at your disposal is a physical IEP binder. Unlike digital files that can be misplaced or forgotten, a physical binder serves as a tangible resource you can bring to every meeting, ensuring that...

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Overcoming the Overwhelm: How an IEP Binder Can Simplify Your Advocacy iep binder iep process Aug 09, 2024

Navigating the world of special education can be daunting for any parent. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, in particular, involves a significant amount of paperwork, meetings, and decisions that can leave parents feeling overwhelmed. With evaluations, progress reports, medical...

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Digital vs. Physical: Choosing the Right IEP Binder for Your Needs iep iep binder iep process Aug 06, 2024

As a parent navigating the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, you need to organize and access important documents. One of the decisions you'll face is choosing between a digital and physical IEP binder. Each option has its own set of advantages and challenges, and selecting the right...

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Creating an Effective IEP Binder: Step-by-Step Guide iep iep binder iep process Aug 06, 2024

Building an IEP binder from scratch is a giant step in organizing your child's educational documents and ensuring you are prepared for meetings. A well-organized binder can serve as a advocacy tool, allowing you to access important information quickly and efficiently. This guide will walk you...

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What are my rights if I disagree with the school's proposals for the IEP? ask an advocate dispute iep iep process Jun 16, 2024

When you disagree with the school's proposals for your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP), the first step is to request an IEP team meeting to discuss your concerns. As a parent, you are the first member of the IEP team, and your input is invaluable. Here's a guide to working through...

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The IEP and FAPE fape iep iep process iep team May 12, 2024

The IEP and FAPE

When it comes to securing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for your child, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) lays the groundwork for defining substantive FAPE for your child. The IEP is a personalized plan designed to meet the unique educational needs and...

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12 Tips: How do I ensure the IEP is truly individualized for my child? iep iep process iep team Apr 28, 2024

As a special education advocate, I understand how important it is to ensure your child's IEP is truly individualized to meet their unique needs. Here are 129 tips to help make that happen:

1. Share detailed information about your child

You know your child best. Provide specific examples of your...

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5 More Questions to Ask About AI in Special Education ai ai in special education artificial intelligence idea iep process parent participation questions Apr 16, 2024

Questions should never end! Advocates know that it is our job to understand so that we can better advocate... and we also know that the school and school district have a responsibility to provide understandable information so that parents can participate meaningfully. Artificial intelligence in...

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Parents, Students, and Educators are at the Center of AI in Special Education ai ai in special education artificial intelligence ethics in ai iep process iep team Apr 14, 2024

As artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities rapidly advance, there is increasing discussion around how it could be used in special education classrooms. Policies are being developed to guide how AI tools meet the needs of parents, students with disabilities, and educators. The first foundation...

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Questions Parents Should Ask About AI in IEP Development ai ai in special education artificial intelligence iep iep process iep team parent participation questions special education advocacy Apr 09, 2024

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are developed and implemented. Parent advocates need to critically monitor your child’s educational program to ascertain whether or not the IEP is more tailored and responsive to...

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You: The Irreplaceable Expert iep iep process iep team parent participation Mar 25, 2024

Developing an IEP is a team effort. And you, the parent, are the irreplaceable expert on your child's team. 

No one understands your child's strengths, struggles, behaviors and needs across environments like you do. No one has been the constant advocate, cheerleader and champion like you...

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