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5 More Questions to Ask About AI in Special Education

ai ai in special education artificial intelligence idea iep process parent participation questions Apr 16, 2024

Questions should never end! Advocates know that it is our job to understand so that we can better advocate... and we also know that the school and school district have a responsibility to provide understandable information so that parents can participate meaningfully. Artificial intelligence in special education is a complex development in education, and thus, the more questions, the better! Here are five more question parents should be asking their child's school:

What training do staff receive to work with AI tools in the IEP process?

Effective use of AI requires understanding its capabilities and limitations. There is currently a wave of trainings for teachers on AI, but not many on AI in Special Education. This question seeks understanding of the training levels of those involved in IEP development. Adequate training means that the educator is trained to interpret AI findings accurately, understands the ethics, privacy and bias issues, and understands that AI is one resource, not an authoritative source.

How are biases addressed and mitigated in the AI tools used for IEP development?

Bias in AI can lead to unequal or inappropriate educational recommendations. AI is trained on the data fed to it; school-level leaders should be aware of this, and the policies that surround identifying and correcting for potential biases in the output of the AI systems they employ.

How can parents and guardians access and review AI-generated insights or recommendations?

Transparency is key in the IEP process. This question emphasizes the importance of meaningful parent participation and the ability to review and question AI-generated content. As AI is integrated more and more in the IEP process, parent participation should be growing with that.

What role does AI play in monitoring my child’s progress toward IEP goals?

Beyond IEP development, it's beneficial to know if and how AI assists in tracking progress, offering real-time adjustments to teaching strategies or interventions. Parents might consider asking for specific AI-powered content generation programs, as these assess, track, and monitor progress and learning-related behaviors (such as focus and attention), and adjust accordingly, all in real time.

In the event of disagreements about AI recommendations, what is the process for resolution?

Finally, understanding the mechanisms for dispute resolution ensures parents and guardians know how to advocate for their child if they believe AI-generated recommendations do not serve their child's best interests. At the lowest level, parents can review recommendations and provide written input to the special education teacher or case manager prior to the IEP Team meeting. A parent can also possibly opt-out of AI programs, and can also follow the dispute resolution process outlined in IDEA and their state regulations.