Advocacy Unlocked Courses

We ae creating courses that will empower your advocacy with knowledge! Some courses are in development, some are in the research phase, and others... well, we need to know what you'd like to learn!

Introduction to Special Education

Build a strong foundation for your advocacy!

  • Learn the laws that govern special education.
  • Learn the key components of the IEP team.
  • Learn the roles and responsibilities of each IEP Team member.

And more!

IEP Basics

AI in Special Education?

Artificial Intelligence may have written your child's IEP. Are you OK with that?

  • Quickly spot AI writing.
  • Know AI ethics, limitations and privacy issues.
  • Learn the programs schools are using.
  • Understand how to use AI to strengthen your advocacy.

And more! 

AI in Sped

Tech Tools to Improve Your Advocacy

Manage the madness! Take charge of your advocacy with technology!

  • Track issues and solutions.
  • Seamlessly record and capture key agreements and disagreements at meetings.
  • Draft letters accurately.
  • Edit document drafts in real time..

And more! 

Tech Tools


What Do You Want to Learn?

We will update you when new courses and services launch!