Education Advocate


My name is Shannon, and I am a non-attorney special education advocate who is passionate about empowering parents, caregivers and guardians! I began advocating for my foster children, and continued advocating as a parent, teacher and foster parent for over 14 years. I have extensive training in special and general education, and have two masters degrees in education (specializing in exceptional education and educational leadership). 

In my free time, I love watercolor painting (although I am terrible at it), reading books with my daughter, traveling to eat new food and learn about new-to-me cultures and places, and taking long, slow, meandering walks smell tours with my Basset Hound, Cupcake.

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consultation Now!

Our Mission

Advocacy Unlocked, LLC empowers caregivers to successfully advocate for an equitable and inclusive education. We strengthen the team, so that all children have the education they deserve.

Our Vision

Advocacy Unlocked, LLC serves for the day when caregivers and schools work seamlessly, when each child is cherished, and when linguistic, ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, learning and ability differences are celebrated. We whole-heartedly believe that day will come!

FREE 30 Minute Consultation!

Please complete the form below. When you submit it, you will be taken to my booking page. 

Our Promise to You

You have been through a lot. I have, too, as a parent, foster parent, and teacher fighting so that children can benefit from an inclusive, equitable and appropriate education. I promise you:

You are the expert.

I honor and respect you as the expert of your child. Because you know best, I will always encourage you to advocate directly.

I will listen to you, and embrace your goals as my own.


You will grow.

This is all so confusing! If there is a part of the special education process you don't know or understand, we will answer your questions and guide you to the opportunity and resource to help you grow as an advocate.  


I will help.

I will use my experience in education, training in educational leadership, and skills as an experienced non-attorney special education advocate to advocate for your child. I will be your advocate, so you can be your child's hero.
